Sample Video Clips


The following video gives you a sample of what we do as a family in ministry. This is typically a video we will send to ministries to introduce ourselves to them so you will see us introduce this website. However, we also wanted to make it available to anyone who finds their way here on their own.


The following link takes you to the sharing of one of our songs as a sample for your perusal. It is called, “Surrender,” and was sung at a local church service.  When we will fully surrender to God’s will, what a great thing He will do with our life.


A Video of a few of our songs from one of our concerts. This is a shorter version just under 4 minutes long. This gives a view of possible content at a concert we give. A longer version is available upon request.


Check out our Song Lyrics Page for more lyrical content or our In Him All Things You Tube Page for more music used by our ministry